I feel like we’re really scraping bottom now, people.
I clicked on CNN.com this morning to discover that the second hyperlink under “Bin Laden News” is titled “Porn said to be found in compound.”
I click on the link out of disbelief, and I proceed to watch a CNN reporter discuss a “large stash” of pornography that was discovered within the materials that US special forces removed from Bin Laden’s compound following his death. The report even features comments from a former Navy SEAL about how this is “not surprising.”
Has the Bin Laden killing story lost momentum to the point that we now have to talk about a stash of porn? Why is this information relevant to national security? What does revealing this information do for the American public? The US already attributes thousands of deaths to this man. How does hearing about a porn stash in his house make anything better or worse than it already is?
This whole situation gets more embarrassing by the day. Pathetic…