(Cassie is on the phone at the bar. It’s empty, middle of the day, that time between lunch and dinner when things are really slow in bars. She wipes down the bar as she talks.)
I’m getting the dolls, Ma. . . . . I know that’s what she wants. She told me three times over the weekend. She even called me in to the living room to show me the commercial on TV. . . . Yes, I told her that she should ask Santa. . . . No, I already told you I’m not getting that freaking Elf on a Shelf. I don’t have time to move him. . . . Yeah, I know you would, but you do enough already. . . . And you like to remind me how much you do, just like . . . You did so! You just said--. . . . Fine. Whatever.
(Mark comes into the bar and sits down at the end of the bar. Cassie does not see him. He listens to the conversation.)
Ma, I told you that Sophie does not need anything else from you. You bought her so many gifts last Christmas, and she’s getting really spoiled. You and dad need to cut it out. . . . Why don’t you buy some gifts for kids who don’t get any? . . . . Yeah, she’s your only one, but save your pennies. Jesus…! . . . I’m just saying you don’t need to spend so much money on the holidays. Sophie and I are fine. . . . We are so fine. . . . Yes, I’m looking for another job. . . . . You’ve told me that many times, Ma. It’s the best I can do right now. . . . Fine. . . . . No, I have to work dinner too. . . . . Yeah the other girl called out sick. . . . Right, yeah, she and I are it. But she owes me now so maybe I can get her to cover me for Christmas eve. . . . Yeah, no promises, but I’ll try. (rolling her eyes) I know it would make Aunt Sally really happy. . . . . Uh huh. . . . I know. . . . (she turns and see Mark who waves at her). Uh, Ma, I gotta go. . . . Yeah, customers. OK, bye.
(Cassie turns her full attention to Mark. It's awkward. They haven't seen each other since the last time when they had sex.)
Hey, what’s up?
Nothing. Just in between shifts.
Waddya have?
Nothing. Er, how about just a club soda. Why didn't you answer my texts?
(Cassie fills a glass with ice and sprays in club soda.)
Yeah, great. I've been texting you for two days now.
(Cassie gets the lime, serves the glass on a bar nap, and then goes back to wiping the bar top. Mark takes a sip and sets it down.)
I leave first thing tomorrow morning.
CASSIE (not looking up)
(Mark takes another sip.)
Who’s Sophie?
CASSIE (stops wiping down the bar)
Were you listening to my conversation?
MARK (shrugging)
I came into the bar for a drink.
CASSIE (walking to the other end of the bar)
You’re a real jerk.
Who is she?
None of your business.
She your daughter?
Shut up.
It’s not a big deal if she is.
I said it's none of your business.
We’re both adults. I have a girlfriend, you have a daughter and--
I think you should go.
--we have pasts, its—
Fuck you, OK! It's none of your goddamned business, so shut the hell up and get out of here before I call the cops.
Wow! What's your problem?
You’re the one with the problem. Now get out!
MARK (reaching for his wallet)
I have to pay for my club soda.
It's on the house! (she picks up the club soda and throws it in his face) Now get the fuck outta this bar before I punch you in the head.
MARK (shocked and dripping wet)
Is this how you treat Sophie?
(Mark backs out of the bar, hands raised, and then turns and leaves. Cassie gets a mop from behind the bar, and comes out front to clean up the mess. She mops for a moment, sits on the stool where Mark was sitting, and starts to cry. Lights fade out. End of scene.)